Working together
for healthy landscapes
and quality lifestyles

Northeastern Nevada Stewardship Group

About NNSG


Board of


Mission Statement

Articles of


Our History




In the News

Who We Are

NNSG is a 501(c)(3) organization. Members include miners, ranchers, conservationists, federal and state agency personnel, and business leaders. We are funded by grants, private and corporate donations, the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management. NNSG works to demonstrate the principles of balanced stewardship expressed by collaborative principles of an open and transparent membership where consensus agreements are the manner of decision making and problem solving.

Our Goals

To establish trust and mutual respect between diverse agency and community members involved in public land issues;
To provide a community forum for scientific presentations related to healthy ecosystems, earth science topics, and problem solving through the collaborative process; and,
To develop sustainable relationships and expectations that reduce conflicts, simplify and streamline planning, and provide multiple use opportunities within our region.


Monthly meetings address diverse topics dealing with natural resources and relationship building. NNSG has hosted numerous symposiums that bring private citizens, public land users and agency personnel together to share information. This sharing encourages a common basis for discussion. Sessions include

National Environmental Policy Act workshop (1999)
Great Basin Rangelands Science (1999)
Applegate Partnership & Sagebrush Symposium (2000)
Fire Ecology & Revegetation (2001)
"Learning Community" (2001)
Outdoor Recreation Workshop (2002)(2005)
Restoration & Mngmt. of Sagebrush-Grass Communities (2002)
Mining and the Community - A Partnership (2003)(2005)(2006)

© Copyright 2003-2020, NNSG, Northeastern Nevada Stewardship Group